Yes, this is MY bread, I baked it myself :)
What's most "Life Style" in Paris than french stick, "une bonne baguette"? Except "les croissants", of course... but these are so difficult to cook, I will not try again.
I am used to bake every days since a few years. So many friends asked me to teach them... I thought the best way was to propose a video, homemade.
At least you'll watch two videos, because there are two stages: preparing the flour, and baking
Bon appétit !
First: preparing the flour. All you need: 1Kg wheat, some salt, some sugar, water, fresh yeast... and a kitchen noisy aid aswell! (vintage -old fashioned- english Kendwood Chef here)
Second stage: how to bake. So simple! 22 minutes in oven